30 May

MYKONOS was my first love! Yes, my arrival airport and city was Paris, the city of love, the city of lights and glamour, but Mykonos is where my heart was stolen when I was 20 years old by this magic Island.

Paris was great (more about Paris later) beautiful, glamourous, sophisticated and romantic, but when I landed in Mykonos that was it, I was captivated. I was lucky enough to stay there nearly 2 months. Mykonos was different then. Yes, more fun, more Greek with a real feel that you were on holiday (vacation), and you could be happy and free. My first trip was with my lovely boyfriend then, whom I am still friends with after 35 years. We did have a great time, not knowing what the future held when I left I promised to myself that I would return. I did return after 2 years once I moved to London. 

I told a girlfriend that we should go there, she said it was a gay island, I told her it was not, and that if she did not like it I would pay for her ticket. So, we went on a 2 weeks trip, we stayed 1 month and just left because I had to join a friend on her yacht. We had the time of our lives there. The then Caprice (seriously it was the best bar in the world), tavernas, night clubs, beaches, beautiful places and people, the world was truly our oyster.

After that I returned to Mykonos at least 16 times, I know the island very well. Yes, I can navigate the small streets without getting lost, my ex says that I know Mykonos more than him that was born there. It has changed immensely, but it is still a great place to visit. It is still fun and again there is a place for all budgets. It's expensive but I can advise you in good affordable places to stay, to go and have fun and dance, to eat, as well as the trendy and expensive places, like Sea Satin, , Nurs-Et, etc.

Ahhh, Mykonos was my playground numerous summers, it can be yours too. From hotels, rooms, areas to stay as well boat hire, I can help and guide you. Come with me the summer in Europe is just about to start!

Mykonos foi meu primeiro amor! Cheguei a Europa via Paris, mas meu coracao foi captivado aos 20 anos por esta ilha magica.

Paris e linda e e sempre maravilhosa (mais sobre Paris depois), certamente e glamurosa, sofisticada e romatica, mas quando posei em Mykonos fiquei completamente captivada por esta pequena ilha. Estava com um namorado grego na epoca, de quem ainda sou amiga ate hoje, 35 anos depois. Sim foi maravilhoso, nos divertimos muito, e tive a sorte de passar 2 meses em Mykonos. A ilha era direferente na epoca, havia mais leveza e uma sensasao de estar no paraiso. Nao sabendo o que o futuro reservarva na epoca, prometi a mim mesma que voltaria aquele lugar.

E voltei sim, 2 anos depois quando ja morava em Londres retornei a Mykonos.

Disse a uma amiga na epoca para irmos a Mykonos e ela disse que ouviu dizer que a ilha era mais direcionada a LGTB, eu disse que nao era, que era para todos. Disse que se gostasse pagaria o ticket dela. Fomos para 2 semanas e ficamos 1 mes. So deixamos a ilha pois tinhamos um compromisso com uma amiga para ir ao barco dela.

Na epoca havia o Caprice bar (nao existe mais, mas era o melhor bar do mundo), as lindas tavernas, os bares, os clubes, praias lindas, pessoas bonitas. O mundo era nossa ostra.

Depois desta segunda viagem retornei a Mykonos pelo menos mais 16 vezes. Conheco Mykonos muito bem (meu ex diz que conheco ate mais que ele que e Grego de Mykonos). A ilha mudou muito mas ainda e um lugar incrivel para ferias e super na moda.

Mykonos esta mais cara, mas posso te direcionar aonde ficar com precos razoaveis e tambem hoteis 5 estrelas, aonde comer para todos os bolsos, e ate uma praia aonde nao se paga pela cadeira de praia, assim como os melhores restaurants e bares, como Sea Satin. etc.

Mykonos foi meu playground por muitos veroes europeus e pode ser o seu tambem. De hoteis a quartos, areas da ilha para se hospedar, lugares agitados ou mais calmos e remotos, ate mesmo aluguel de barcos, posso ajudar na sua viagem.

Venha comigo, o verao Europeu esta comecando!!

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